ZAPROSZENIE – wykład profesora Kamela Hoomana “Soot deposition in exhaust gas recirculation: experimental observations”


prof. dr hab. inż. Paweł Ocłoń

Dyrektor Centrum Doskonalenia Badań Naukowych PK


prof. dr hab. inż. Jan Taler, czł. kor. PAN

Członek Rady Naukowej Centrum Doskonalenia Badań Naukowych PK

zapraszają na wykład profesora Kamela Hoomana

Soot deposition in exhaust gas recirculation: experimental observations

który odbędzie się hybrydowo w dniu 25 maja 2023 r. o godzinie 10:00 w sali 604 na Wydz. Mechanicznym oraz na platformie Teams

Prof. Dr. Kamel Hooman is working in TU Delft as the Heat Transformation Technology Professor and Chair. Prof. Hooman is working on heat transformation, technology development, and demonstration, his research is mainly to increase the share of renewable energy in the world. He uses a combination of theoretical, numerical, and experimental techniques to conduct his research. He is an Associate Editor for International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of Porous Media, and Heat Transfer Engineering. He serves on many editorial boards and has acted as guest editors for some journals with Applied Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering and ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering being the latest ones. With over 200 journal papers and some book chapters, he has also presented as keynote/plenary in numerous conferences and meetings. He has co-edited two books “Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Media” and “ Solid-Liquid Thermal Energy Storage: Modeling and Applications” both published by the CRC Press.


Flow at the interface of a porous medium and a gas is found to be more complicated than anticipated. While textbook formulas are offered to model such flows, our experimental results showed that there is yet a lot to learn. We conducted experiments using different techniques, i.e. hotwire, PIV, and LDA, to shed some light on the intricacies of flow at interface. The problem becomes more complicated when the gas carriers particles. We have conducted experiments to understand particle transport and deposition/removal for gas flow throug and over a porous block. Our results were contradictory to expected behaviour in the light of fouling theories. This presentation shares some details and tries to explain these peculiar behaviours.

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